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Sal's SENCo Resources

I've been a teacher for 25 years and a SENCo for 11 of those. All of the resources in my shop are documents that I have developed over time and used in my own schools.

I've been a teacher for 25 years and a SENCo for 11 of those. All of the resources in my shop are documents that I have developed over time and used in my own schools.
Intervention Record Sheet

Intervention Record Sheet

Record intervention sessions and assessments on this handy proforma - space to record each sessions as well as initial and 6-weekly assessments. Fully customisable in Word.
SENCo Basics Bundle

SENCo Basics Bundle

7 Resources
Everything you need to get started with organising support for pupils in your school - from identification of SEN and Reasonable Adjustments to Planning for individual pupils and monitoring interventions. The Bundle contains the follow items (all available separately for £19): Pupil Information Sheet SEN Concern form SEN Screening Document Class Reasonable Adjustments Record Intervention Record Sheet IEP (Pupil Support Plan) Template SEN Review Meeting Minutes Template These are all documents that I have developed and used over the last few years in my own schools. All documents are in Word and fully customisable.
SEN Concern Form

SEN Concern Form

A template for teachers to use when concerned about a particular child and wants to refer them to the SENCo - with an easy checklist of concerns to highlight, what they have already tried and the impact of this, parental & professional involvement so far. Great for the SENCo to have all this information on one sheet and great for talking through the child’s difficulties and support that could be offered. I use this as an initial concern form and will often offer additional strategies to try in class before going through the SEN Screening Document with the teacher.
IEP (Pupil Support Plan) Template

IEP (Pupil Support Plan) Template

This template can be used for all the pupils on your SEN register to record the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle as well as information about their strengths and interests, areas of need and reasonable adjustments made for them. Fully customisable in Word - add your school logo, change headings, etc. Easy to use with a review page too for your termly SEN Review meetings.
SEN Review Meeting Minutes Template

SEN Review Meeting Minutes Template

Make sure you don’t miss anything in your SEN Review Meetings with this useful meeting template. With spaces to record updates from home and school, what’s working well and not working well as well as new outcomes and actions to be taken. Can be handwritten and scanned into pupils folders or typed in to the Word document directly. Fully customisable - add your school logo, change headings, etc.
SEN Screening Document

SEN Screening Document

Trying to decide if a child should be on the SEND Register or not? This document can help! Covering the areas of Cognition & Learning, Social Communication, Speech and Language, SEMH and Physical/Sensory Needs, it is a checklist of areas that pupils with SEND may struggle with. Used by SENCos in discussion with people who know the child best, it can be a useful tool to decide whether a child needs to be placed on the SEND register. There are no hard and fast rules about how many ‘needs’ need to be ticked off to be placed on the register but instead should be used as a discussion tool to talk about a child’s needs. I use this document once teachers have filled in the SEN Concern form and tried focused, short term interventions with the child if there is still a level of concern.
Pupil Information Sheet SEND

Pupil Information Sheet SEND

A useful template to use to share information about individual child with cover teachers/subject specialists/supply teachers without having to share an IEP or other document with sensitive information on. Contains background information, information about the child’s interests and strengths, areas of need, reasonable adjustments and additional provision